Yesterday, April 29th, Marilyn showed up on the campus of Wilson College in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. She walked into my office in the library and handed me her manifesto. She had apparently handed it to at least one student also. After she left and I had read the manifesto, I gave it to our security crew and suggested that they notify the borough police. I was told that she was still in Chambersburg today but close to the interstate.
I am not qualified to say that she is dangerous but she is probably delusional and that in itself is a big problem on a college campus. Her manifesto includes racist epithets and she urges the reader to “shoot them” or “blow them away.” Rather than just writing to this blog, I really believe someone should be intervening with her and getting her off the street.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Chambersburg, PA
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
10:42 AM
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Washington, DC
Those of you following Marilyn's journeys will be pleased (?) to know she has made it to the nation's capital where she is busy warning D.C. residents about Microwave Abuse Rape offenses etc. I encountered her today outside Union Station. She handed me the "Room 13" version of her manifesto that has been previously reproduced here. Not sure what to say, other than it's amazing that such an extremely confused delusional person can survive and get around as well as she does. Maybe it says something good about this country and our ability to tolerate and perhaps even care for the marginalized and vulnerable?
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
8:49 PM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
(no location)
23, April, 2008. We had an encounter with Ms Gibbs at 19:15.
As per her oft-repeated MO, she flagged us down at an intersection, inquiring as to where there might be a church holding bible study. When informed that we didn't know the area well enough, she asked us to give her a ride to a Burger King at the other end of town. We were late to pick up our daughter and grandchildren, so we had to decline. She handed us her manifesto from a large stack and hailed a passing cab. I noticed several pieces of extremely well-worn luggage on the sidewalk.
When we returned home, hours later, I did my best to work my way through her white paper. I have to say that in all my years (plenty) I cannot recall having ever read such a rambling, discombooberated hash of gibberish in my life - and I was in the Army and have had to deal with OSHA for 30 years.
I was curious about the Rev. Carl Wyman she vilifies so I Googled up numberous links to Ms. Gibbs. This site >>><<< gives an indication of how manic her travels are. She puts Dr. Richard Kimball's pursuit of the One-Armed Man in the classic TV series "The Fugitive" to shame.
I somehow feel connected to all who have encountered the "Lobbyist". An amazing encounter to be sure.
And that's not the rest of the story, but my part of it.
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
7:15 PM
Frederick, MD
I encountered Marilyn as I was leaving my class Wednesday evening (April 23) around 6:12 pm. She politely asked for help finding a church to attend a Bible Study. She seemed nice enough so I told her I would help. We arrived at the church a little early so she asked if I could take her to near by restaurant to wait. There was a Freeze King close by and since it was a very nice day, I took her there. Before getting out of my truck she asked for a red or blue pen. She then began to explain her situation while underlining passages on the paper as well as documenting a carjacking offense. Afterwards she handed me the paper which is similar to everyone else’s. She thanked me for the ride, shook my hand and left.
I contacted the Church she was trying to get to see if she did make it there. It appears she did and is now trying to make her way to D.C.
This has certainly been an interesting experience and I do wish Marilyn well in her journey and hope she finds her answers.
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
6:13 PM
Frederick, MD
In Frederick, Md on April the 23rd at about 3pm.
A neatly dressed middle aged black woman came into the office of our staffing agency in Frederick, Md (30 Minutes outside of Baltimore).
I stood to great her as she entered and asked her how she was. She said that she was doing very well considering that she was "very old."
When I asked how I could help her, she bypassed me and said "I want to talk to the ladies." She walked over to the desk of 2 of my colleagues
who are both Caucasian females. She sat a big handbag on an office desk and pulled out some papers. She handed them to one of the girls and
asked them to give them out to the local woman's shealter. She gave them 4 copies because she saw 4 of my women colleagues in our office. She re-iterated to give them to the battered woman shelters and to give them to the white women. They were photocopies of a hand written letter that appears to have originally written
on the torn out page of a handbook. The writing on it said:"Equinox Inc. Domestic Violence Shelter. Guidlines & Resources. Bedroom #13."
Her thoughts seem to be a tad bid scattered. I don't want to speak out of turn, as I am not a physician, but I have a feeling that she may be somewhat mentally ill.
However, she does make some good points. Plus, being a male, I wouldn't qualify for the White Women Swat Team.
As far as her cause, I have chosen not to get involved because this Carl Wyman sounds like one bad ass that I don't want to aggravate. He does after all Own the Black Box.
I do not have the ability to scan the document but the hand writing read as follows:
Give to the White Women Board of Directors of National Domestic Violence organization in Frederick, Maryland. Heartly Shelter. Check the box on there frame, there microwave technology. When black men and women tell the shelter that they want to protect black women from white racism and microwave abuse oppression, shoot them. Send ten white women that kill. Your white men will take there bad black deals. When Carl Wyman and John Rodwin and Howard Warner and there staff and the blacks in town own the town by white racism and microwave abuse oppression, shoot them. Don't give them goods, services, and employment.
Tell them to pay Heartly Shelter now for the six year abuse on the national organization. Tell peace for families domestic violence organization shelter and the town of Auburn, California to avenge the abuse. Tell them to leave the military, FBI, CIA, and pentagon technology to heartly shelter.
Albany, New York. Change of location. Firestone and Italian restaurant. Every pimp in town know the location of the shelter. Close every shelter in the country before these black men and women in the night of the Black Church pimp domestic violence shelters nationally and internationally. (Canada) What is on line, they don't want to die in the Ghetto Washington DC (and there White Men in the Night). Put the white girls in private homes. Carl Wyman and his national black church, 20 million black church frames controlled by his his old black church women frames, pimp women in the night put there black girls in private homes, give them social services and employment.
Send for the military, a woman swat team to get them off of your white town. Your men will take there black deals.
They know that your town don't have enough technology to stop there black church takeover. They are a traveling prostitution ring racketeering microwave abuse rape offenses nationally and internationally. They are seperating the technology to keep it safe. They have technology that no one see there travel. Tell your white women swat team to radar them and blow them up. A Tourtured Microwave Lobbyist, Marilyn Gibbs.
1. Fifteen Main Frames. 150 Black Ministers to Control the Town Racketeering.
2. 20 Million Black Church Frames Controlled by the Old Black Church Women Frames In the Night. Hazel. The offense own the oral esex offense given to her by Carl Wyman to put on white domestic violence shelters, your wealthy white men, women and children, government officials and wealthy white business frames.
3. Microwave Technology 667. A prostitution technology to attack white women now (his white girl party) and white men and children. They can't sell ghetto offenses.
4. Moron Microwave Technology. The whole town for prostitution, robbery, and killings. Black church black line abuse on both ears telling me what to write.
5. Black church black box abuse. Carl Wyman own the Black Box.
We can only hope that Marilyn can figure our her situation and bring herself some peace.
God Speed, Marilyn.
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
3:00 PM
Friday, April 18, 2008
Michigan City, IN
We live in Michigan City .Indiana and we was driving down the road and there was this lady waving to us so we waved back and she stared yelling can you stop can you stop ... so we did i was a little scared ... my 4 year old was in the car ... and she asked us if there was a restaurant near bye and we told her wear it was and then she ask for a ride ... urrr we did it .. and when we got to the restaurant she sad she don't have enough money to be here and if we could give her a ride to somewhere else ..she kept asking to go to the richest white neighborhood around ... she said she had just got of the train and has been abused and needed help and then when we dropped her off in in Michigan City it took her for ever to get out of the car and then she stared going on on about the 667 microwave technology and all kinds of stuff i don't know what to think of it all so i got on her and looked it up !!!! She Also gave us these paper and asked us to tell everyone
Michigan City Indiana ,The wards !!!
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
12:17 PM
Michigan City, IN
I live in Michigan City and was approached by Marilyn Gibbs just this afternoon April 18th. She approached me and asked if I knew, by chance, where any nice, fine-china restaurants were in the area. I told her of one and she politely asked me if I could give her a ride to said location. Since I was in quite the rush, I neglected to do so, she responded very nicely to my decline and proceded to hand me a hand-written pamphlet. I couldn't make much sense of it so I googled her and it led me here, contrary to others posts, I don't think she's insane, just really miffed about something.
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
12:16 PM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Chicago, IL
I am a train conductor in Chicago, and boy did I just have one of the most interresting rides. As u could guess I had my encounter with marilynn Gibbs! As I collected her ticket she handed me a sheet of paper and said she was being stalked by a black chicago police officer and that I had to read this. So I did. And it prompted me to do the same everyone else that comes in contact with. Yes the 667 microwave technology, the bathroom button offense. And other babblings about black church women and rich mend deals. Wish I had a scanner to post. As she got of the train at lake forest she said she owned this town and proceeded to walk back down the ramp and until she was out of site.
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
10:51 AM
Monday, April 14, 2008
Downers Grove, IL
My husband works at a bar in Downers Grove IL and became a Microwave Abuse Offense convert yesterday, April 14, 2008. She came in and asked for directions to the Lutheran Church and after giving her the directions, she handed him a piece of paper and said, "This is for you." She then thanked him and left.
We are also ready to fight for/against Microwave Abuse, Bathroom Buttons, John Rodwin, White Sex Slave Pimps and Mrs. Kursten Sawyer Rodwin Ringwald. I am sure that after reading her missive, many people will fell the same way we do!
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
12:13 PM
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Naperville, IL
I ran into Maryiln Gibbs outside of Bevy’s Bar in Naperville, Illinois on Saturday, April 12th. At first she seemed like a normal lady who just wanted to ask me a question. I was outside smoking when she approached me. At first she asked me if I knew the time. I kindly told her 9:45 and thought the conversation was over. Boy was I ever wrong. She then asked me if I could give her a ride to the TGI Fridays down the street. I declined her on her request and continued to smoke my cigarette. She then asked if I could help her in her fight against an evil “nigger” police officer who was trying to oppress her. At this point, I knew I was dealing with a crazy lady. She proceeded to give me two hand-written flyers, which I reluctantly accepted. She was carrying around a blue shopping bag that was full of half used toilet paper rolls. When I went back into the bar, I read her miscellaneous ramblings and got a good laugh. My friend then Googled “microwave oppression” on his I-Phone and It lead me to this site. I have read most of the posts and knew that I had to continue to track her whereabouts. She is mentally ill I believe, but who knows the real truth. Please find enclosed the two flyers she had given me.
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
11:30 AM
Naperville, IL
Marilyn approached my friends and I in front of a
Binny's liquor store and asked for a ride to k-mart
which was a few miles down the road, it was snowing so
we agreed. She seemed lucid and well groomed, not too
insane, however from her manner of speech i suspect
she has spent a good deal of time institutionalized,
mental or other. She gave us some things she had
written unfortunately I cant scan them for your
perusal at this time. She was going to K-Mart to ask
for a donation of a watch since hers had been taken,
and asked if we would buy her a watch, I would have
had I not been so poor at this time, and asked if we
could shelter her for the evening, I felt bad but
declined, after reading her papers I googled John
Rodwin Ringwald and found this site. She is still on
her way to the supreme court, healthy and alive. :)
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
11:29 AM
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
LaCrosse, WI
I was fortunate enough to encounter Marilyn at a La Crosse WI bar called The Library. As a group of my friends and I walked in we bellied up to the bar right next to her, not knowing we would get to meet one of the premiere civil rights leaders of our day. After we settled in she politely asked us for directions to an intersection in town, after recieving our directions she proceeded to get second and third oppinions on the route from every bartender who happened to be working that night. She then asked one of the bartenders to call her a cab to get her where she was heading. As she waited for her cab she continued to chat us up and repeatedly asked the bartender to keep calling her more cabs, even as her first one was on the way. When the cab arrived she informed me she was two dollars short of the six it would take to pay for the cab fare, being a pro civil rights citizen I gladly obliged. It is also worth noting that sitting on the barstool to her opposite side were two large garbage bags filled with toilet paper and such which she was carrying with her. This made sense to me as I later decyphered her letter and found that toiletries seemed to be very important to her.
I believe that Marilyin Gibbs is a hero and I intend to join her fight, as soon as I find out exactly what it is. Lipstick offense fungus, saline bags, and lard injection sound like no laughing matters to me. I hope everyone that reads this is also willing to join the cause before it's too late. I don't think I'm alone when I say that I don't want the "man" putting prostitution directives on my toiletries.
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
12:17 AM
Monday, April 7, 2008
La Crosse, WI
I met Marilynn Gibbs in La Crosse WI. I reported her in an e-mail to the police. Here is what I told them:
I was shopping at Quillins around 8:00 PM on April 6, 2008. As I was leaving an overweight, older, black woman in a blue dress and white shirt with straight hair, big glasses, and two large plastic bags of groceries asked me if I could give her a ride to the Radisson Hotel. I said I could.
She said to hold on a second and went back into the store and came back about a minute later. As another person left Quillin's, she gave the woman one of her fliers and said she was an activist and something about a black police officer that she is having trouble with.
So she gets in my truck, and starts saying I'm a good person and that my wife got a good one. I asked her how she got to Quiilins. She said a friend dropped her off. Then she said something about the rain and the bus. I asked her about her big white bag of toilet paper. She says she has diarrhea. I asked her if she lives in town. She says she lives on Main street. I asked her why she was going to the Radisson. She said she wanted to make photocopies.
She asked if I could do another favor for her and donate to her cause. I politely declined.
As we're driving, she asked me if I could turn on the interior light, so I did. Using a red pen, she starts writing on her flier and underlining stuff. When we reach the Radisson, we sat for about a minute while she continued underlining stuff. Then she said something about having trouble with a black policeman. She said it's not her husband or boyfriend. Then she starts talking about carjacking and racketeering and something about a microwave. I figured I didn't quite catch what she was saying.
Then as she leaves, she hands me her flier and asks me to make sure that I read it.
Overall, she seemed like a normal person that needed a favor. But the contents of her flier, transcribed below, gave me the impression that she has mental problems. I don't know if she was asking for donations from other Quillin's customers.
8:12 pm, Carjacking ofense, Oral Sex Ride By The Rodwin's 667 Microwave Technology. Racketeering And Selling Microwave abuse Rape Offenses.
A National Black Church Microwave Abuse Oppression 20 Million Black Church Frames Controlled By There Old Black Church Women Frames; Hazel the offense own the Oral Sex Offense Given To Them By Carl Wyman. They Are An A National Tour Stalking My Travel To Recollect On The 2002 Boston, Massachussett $800 Trillion Dollar illegal offense Funds. $900 Millison Dollar Illegal Collection In Illinois, Indiana Was A Documented Collection In 2001. Race Separation Is In The Sumpreme Court. Tortured Lobbyist, Marilyn Gibbs.
This Man And Woman Is In The Building Now. His White Girl Party.
Mr. + Mrs. John And Kunston Sawyer Rodwin Ringwald.
1. Black Minister. Police Officer Uniform Set Up And Drug Addict, And Elks Organization. Ghetto Street Minister Pimp In The Night In His Coat Racketeering Oral Sex Prostitution Offenses. His Ghetto Church Army Is fifteen (15) Street Ghetto Drug Addicts In Coats Abusing Patrons, Staff And Children. 24 Hour, Hourly Hits.
2. Directives From Mrs. Kunston Sawyer Rodwin Ringwald. She Collects As Me As A White Woman Saying White Racism And Microwave Abuse Oprression. Her Rich White Boyfriend Deals Are on the The Town. They Oral Sex And Kill There Rich White Deals.
3. The Are Racketeering Trillion Dollar Oral Sex Prostitution Offenses Bad Paper Payment Plan. She Own The Lock Down Mental Ward Offense Stalking My Travel Through Her Husband's Police Uniform Job Set Up. And Her Rich White Boyfriend Deals On The Town. Check The Box On Your Frame. Your Microwave Technology.
4. John Rodwin Ringwald Look Like A White, Man Now. Carl Wyman Howard Warner. They Are White Sex Slave Pimps On Wealthy Whites.
5. Carl Wyman Own Them. Howard Warner, Hazel The Offense And THere Employed White Men In The Night To Travel Them Safe., They Help Them To Kill There Old Rich Men White Deals To Recollect On the 6 year illegal Collection To Put The Money In the Black Church.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------They Are Pimping Military. CIA Technology. Carl Wyman They Have Technology That Noone See There Travel. Black Church Ghetto army. Directions From Kunston Sawyer. Elks Organization. Black Man, Howard Warner, Pimp Man In The Night. A National Black Microwave Abuse Oppression For Ten years In Every Building. Controlling My Wash In a Prostitution Oppression. Black Man, Howard Warner Own The White Box From Atlana, GA. To Control The Whole Town In A Prostitution Oppression To Abuse Everything. Black Coat Woman Oppression. Black Men And Women In the Night of the Black Church. Pimps In The Night. The Gutter of The Black Church And The Ghetto. Send For Swat And The Military To Get Them Off of The White Town.
1. Three Main Frames Whole Microwave Technology
They Have Enough Technology To Control Three(3) Countries. It Takes Ten(10) Black Frames To Control A Country. Ten Main Frames. Thirty (30) Black Ministers. Chemical Processed White Niggers Policemen. To Collect On The Offense Funds Stalking My Travel. Racketeering.
2. Black Line Abuse. John Rodwin Ringwald's Pimp Line Up.
They Say That They Are My Brain, Spiritual Direction.
They Have A White Box Saying White Racism And Microwave Abuse.
3. Black Box Abuse. Carl Wyman Owns The Black Box To of Control the Whole Town In a Prostitution Oppression To Abuse Everything. He Employs White Men In the NIght To Travel Them Safe And Open The Lines To the Town To Attack The And Hand Over White Towns To Three Black Men And Women In the Night To Abuse In Prostitution.
4. Microwave Technology 667. A Prostitution Technology Now. John Rodwin Ringwald. Put A Street Raft On My Technology To Attack White Women. He Is a Chemical Processed White Nigger Police Officer Now. They Travel The Technology Saying White Racism Is Attacking Me.
5. Microwave Moron Technology The Whole Town For Prostitution.
Hazel The Offense, Oral Sex Offense On The White Wealthy Towns, Men Women And Children and Government Officials And White Domestic Violence Shelters No One See The Offense.
La Crosse, WI
New Horizon
Domestic Violence
6. My Raft 1257. My Raft Says I am Not To Be Refused A Service. They are Separating The Technology To Keep It Safe. They Have Technology That No One Sees There Travel.
7. Twenty Million Black Frames. Hazel The Offense Controls The Black Frames. She Owns The Oral Sex Offens on Your Wealthy White Men, Women, and Children. Government Officials Deals 20 Million Black Church Frames Stalking My Travel.
A Tortured Microwave Lobbyist. Marilyn Gibbs, A One Woman Fight.
Censored and Distorted Technology Page.
I should mention that I reported her to the police because:
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
12:08 AM
Sunday, April 6, 2008
LaCrosse, WI
Just to let you all know that Marilyn gibbs is now in La Crosse Wisconsin, I work at a bar and like others have encountered she was circling her papers, she then asked me to call a cab for her. The cab took her to the womens battered shelter in La Crosse. that was on April 6th 2008.
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
12:18 AM