Late in the afternoon while walking to one of our local train stations in Salt Lake City, UT. I was approached by a black woman identifying herself as “An activist like Dr. King”. She handed me a copy of a three page hand written manifesto. I put the papers in my pocket and didn’t think much of it. I just tried to decipher what I was reading and pretty much got the same stuff that I have been seeing in this blog (Microwave technology 667, etc..). Like the others on the blog I did a Google search using the keyword “Carl Wyman” and found this blog. I do have the papers that she gave me and would be happy to scan them and attach then to an email if you would like.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Marilyn Gibbs waved me down in front of St. Mary’s Church in Park City, Utah, and asked for a ride to Sandy on Sunday November 30, 2008. That’s exactly where I was headed so I obliged. She was dressed very well, and immediately taped her Manifesto to the side window of the car. She had duct tape on the zippers of her bag, due to being robbed several times, she stated. Since the drive is about 40 minutes, we had time to talk. After about 5 minutes, her story wasn’t making much sense. Corrupt police officers, black on black offenses, etc. I just listened.
She asked if I would take her to the Office Depot in Sandy, and if I would contribute $15.00 to making copies of her manifesto. I agreed. As we got into Salt Lake, I suggested we stop in Murray, since it was closer, but Marilyn insisted that we go to the Office Depot in Sandy, near the McGrath’s Fish House. Since, I was actually familiar with the area she was referring to, we kept driving. When we arrived in Sandy, we drove by Staples, and Marilyn suggested we go there instead. Once inside, Marilyn asked for a female store manager, and proceeded to tell her that she only had $15.00 and would the manager agree to donate the remaining cost of making 150 copies of her manifesto. The manager agreed. I bought Marilyn some cashews, gave her the $15.00 and she gave me a big hug and thank you.
After reading her manifesto, it seems she may have been violently abused in some way in the past. There is a much reference to sex abuse. She struck me as well spoken, intelligent, but mentally disturbed. I have been thinking a lot about her since we met. She is exceptionally street savvy, and seems skilled with dealing with people and getting what she needs. I just hope that somewhere along her travels she meets someone who can help with her mental instability and she finds some peace of mind. I wouldn’t know how to help. I asked her of all the places she has traveled which was her favorite city; and she said Auburn, California. I asked her why, and she replied that everyone there was very nice and treated her well. I hope she gets back to Auburn and finds a home.
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
8:49 PM
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Midvale, UT
I work the night audit at [an] inn, in midvale ut. (suburb of Salt Lake City.) the hotel was close to empty only about 15 people in house and it was around 2 am. I usually walk the halls some nights to kill time and keep awake. I had finished walking the halls and entered the lobby. I had propped the bathroom door open with a chair earlier because I was carrying water in out to boil the eggs for breakfast with.
I noticed 2 luggage bags sitting outside the door and what sounded like someone washing their hands. I took my post behind the desk and waited for the person to come out. A black woman came out, dressed fairly professional, purple pants suit and a black overcoat. She looked to be simply tired (as are most people on my shift). She begins "please tell me that you are the night auditor, or night manager." I replied "Night auditor. Why? What can I do for you?" She told me that she needed help that the local women's abuse center would not take her, and she needed somewhere to stay. I assumed she was running from either a husband, boyfriend etc.
I believe myself to be a fairly compassionate person and reluctantly told her I could help her out. She asked me if I could keep some stuff behind the desk for her. She handed me two large luggage bags with papers in protective covers safety pinned to them. She asked me: "Please keep them in a locked room, covered. I can't have them get to them." I replied "They being...." "A cop, well he's not a cop. But he looks like one. They have everything about me. There are letters in the post office box at the post office I mailed. Please call the postmaster as soon as possible to make sure they get mailed. They are very good at what they do, they can get the mail, they are that good. The invisible men will come for my stuff. They are quiet and sneaky you will never see them coming, and never know they were here. When stuff starts moving around you, you will know."
She told me to look through her papers and handed me a page protector full of papers, and books taped tightly together at the top. She then left to her hotel room. I set all the stuff behind the desk and sat back down dumbfounded and sympathetic. I figured this lady probably needs help but I don't necessarily have the means to do so. So I let her go hoping that I have helped her out. A couple minutes later she came back down because she couldn't get the door open. (which happens to almost everyone, we have keys that look electronic but have to be left in the door and then removed after the door is opened.) So I escorted her to her room opened the door for her and told her to get some rest.
She handed me the room key back and said "I won't be coming out." I said "Excuse me?" She said "I won't be back out. Thank you, goodnight." The door shuts quickly and I hear the deadbolt, and security latch close, along with what sounds like a chair being pushed up against the back of the door. I shake my head and just head back to the desk. Curiosity gets the better of me and I read the outside of her page protector. Like many my jaw drops and utter disbelief hits me. I think back to the remark, that "I won't be back out." I feared that she may take an attempt on her life, or never leave... After chatting with the security guard we decided to contact police dispatch. So I called and basically said "I just wanted to make sure that she hasn't escaped from a hospital, or that she is not supposed to be here." I told them she wasn't really doing anyone any harm, and I was concerned about her remark that she wasn't coming out.
The police and I go up to her room, knock on her door and ask her if she is ok. She tells us that she is ok and getting ready for her bath. So we say ok, and just leave her alone. The police tell me that she more than likely conned me out of room. I said ok no big deal, hopefully for every 5 people that con me, 1 really needed help. The police leave, and curiosity gets the best of me again, and I open her packet. (only because she told me it was ok to look through her papers, all of her bags smelled really odd by the way.)
She picked up her bags at 7 am and left me with only these words.
"I own your town, I own your jobs. We will meet at the end of the line."
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
10:42 PM
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Draper, UT
I bar tend at a restaurant/bar in Draper Utah and on November 25 2008 we had ourselves a Marilyn encounter. She looked very clean and normal except for a brace on her right arm. She brought with her a suitcase and a huge jar of Aloe Vera. She sat at the end of the bar and drank raspberry tea and talked to some of my regulars. She said she was on her way to a battered woman's shelter and wanted a ride. One of my bar guests paid for a cab to take her there. She told us her name was Cheryl and that she was from California and that she was running away from her abusive boyfriend who also happened to be a cop. She said he was stalking her and that she was trying to get to Washington D.C. so that she could talk to the FBI about it. When we asked her why she couldn't talk to the authorities in Utah she said that they were all corrupt and that "they" were all connected. As soon as her cab arrived she handed all of us her 3 page letter about microwave technology and about her being raped and all sorts of terrible things. She told us that we were the white sisterhood and we were in danger. It seriously took me a half an hour to try to read the letter. I decided to google it and I seriously cant believe the places she has been. I feel so bad for her, something had to have happened to her to make her this way. I am honestly surprised she can take care of herself cause at first glance she almost looks like a professional black woman. Anyways I wonder where she will end up next or how long this will go on.
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
10:36 PM
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Idaho Falls, ID
My sister and I had a Marilyn encounter on Oct 22 in Idaho Falls. Of course the regular MO, we got a manifesto and a lot of slurred jibe about abuses, etc. The wierd thing about this sighting, is that we took Marilyn to a hotel nearby and got her a room for the night, and while paying for her room, Marilyn used the bathroom in the lobby. She was only in there for 5 minutes, and when she came out she was yelling that what happened in there was "WRONG!". While in the bathroom she wrote in red ink on her manifesto and list of abuses that she was raped by microwave technology 667 in the bathroom.
I feel for this woman, and I think it's time we do more than just blog about this. She needs to be taken off the streets and given the proper care. Just not sure who to even take this matter to??
Anyone have any ideas?
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
12:52 PM
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Rigby, ID
I was driving into town, on Nov. 15th 2008, to walk my dog in the local parks and that's when I saw Marilyn on the side of the Main street trying to get someone's attention.
I live in Rigby, Idaho. Its a small town of about 3000 people.
She was asking for directions to the local hospital which we don't have in Rigby. Then she asked about a place to get copies and a place to eat. She wanted to go to a Chinese restaurant but settled for Subway since we were right near one.
On the way to Subway I asked her how she arrived here and she said a rude bus driver dropped her off in town. She also said she was on her way to Boise Id. I dropped her off at Subway and told her I would be back. I assumed she was going to grab a bite to eat but I noticed a sign on her back and when I asked her about it she said she was a protester and could I direct her to the printers. I told her I would be back and take her there. When I got back from walking the dog she was still sitting in subway and was writing feverishly. I didn't see food so I asked her if she had already eaten and she said she had no money and would I be able to afford a sandwich for her. This is when I started to realize the poor woman was not all there. I got her a sandwich,chips and a drink and I sat with her and read her sign. I couldn't understand what I read. It was a bunch of accusations.
I asked her where she wanted to go and she asked if I could let her stay at my house or if I knew someone that would put her up. I told her I didn't and couldn't and she asked me to drop her off ant the local grocery store because it was busy and she may find someone there to help her.
She then thanked me for buying her lunch and gave me a 3 page copy of her manifesto. She asked my name and phone number, which I gave her and it may show up in the next rendition of her manifesto. She said I was her new white, best friend and to pay close attention to articles 12 and 13 of her manifesto.
As most people have noticed she was dressed in a nice looking beige outfit and a beige raincoat. I noticed her wig was itching her badly.
After dropping her off I went home and read the papers she gave me and gooled like others here and found this site. I have a scan of the papers she gave me if anyone is interested you may write to me at
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
3:20 PM
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Bozeman, MT
10pm 11/13 Bozeman. Perkins
4 of us students were taking a study break in Perkins. One of the guys
noticed a professionally dressed black woman walk in, and take her wig
off. I didn't see her walk in, but when I looked, sure enough there was
a bald black woman eating alone. Once she was done doing whatever, she
approached me with the typical hand written photo copied letter you've
been reading about. on the outside was a different note on each one, it
said something like. "Come abuse me in the Blue Sky Motel. Room .....
8:30 tomorrow night. Look for broken door latch and crooked window." We
read parts of the note, but couldn't understand a damn thing. She
reminds me of the old white lady who lives outside of the White House
in DC, wearing an aluminum foil hat and protesting the gvt. Anyways, we
get back to the MSU library, and I noticed a hand written photo copied
note on one of the tables. Apparently she had been there shortly before
us. She never really went into detail about what she was doing. She
never really gave descriptive sentences. It was always something like
"Microwave technology, research it" or "wealthy white women," shit like
that. on one of her notes, she made reference to some of the smaller
Montana towns which surprised me, but I'm guessing she just chose
random towns and I-90 cities. Butte, Bozeman, Terry, Billings, Laurel,
Park City. Then the small rural or indian towns Fort Belknap Lewistown,
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
10:00 PM
West Yellowstone, MT
I work at the front desk of the Holiday Inn in West Yellowstone, MT. A older black woman, dressed nicely and seemingly here on a professional visit of some kind, approached the desk. She asked me if my manager was available. I told her that everyone had left for the weekend, including our General Manager. She said, quite forcefully, "You guys are shutting me down again! It's not even 5 o'clock yet!" She then asked me to call my manager on his cell phone so that she could talk to him over the phone. I asked her what it was in regards to and she said, "A civil rights issue." At this point I was starting to pick up an iffy vibe from her, so I told her that I could not call my manager from the front desk because he has Oregon cell phone number and our phones do not dial long distance. She then asked me where he lived. I, of course, declined to share that information with her. I told her again that if she wanted to talk to him, she should come back on Monday. She started to get a bit pushy then and and said, "So, you're trying to tell me that in the event of an emergency you couldn't call him." I then advised her that, while I didn't have long distance codes, other people did and could use them IF there was an emergency. She continued to stand at the front desk and stare at me (at this point I was getting REALLY uncomfortable) and then she pointed at me with this crazy look in her eye. I thought, "Shit. She knows that I'm giving her the run around and she's gonna lose it on me." That wasn't the case, she told me that I was "the woman". I walked away from the front desk to help a co-worker in the back (AND in the hopes that she'd go away) and when I came back she was STILL there. I asked if there was anything else I could do for her and she asked me if I had something to drink. I directed her to the bar and the restaurant down the hall. She then said that she needed to send an e-mail to someone. I told her that she could use the lobby computer if she made it quick. She told me that she's "computer illiterate" and wanted ME to send her e-mail for her. I told her that I couldn't use the internet behind the desk. Again, she stood and looked at me for awhile and then said "Now I know how Martin Luther King, Jr. felt" and walked into the bar.
She stood in the bar for quite some time watching TV, drinking water and eating the bar snacks. From talking to my co-workers, it sounds like she was back there talking about the same kinds of things that she writes about in her manifestos. I had stepped away from the desk to have a smoke break, but stood at the door to the lobby so I could see the desk. She came back into the lobby and spent a long time putting her coat on and then combing her hair, using the glass of the front doors as a mirror. When it looked like she was ready to leave, I walked back into the lobby. I avoided eye contact because I REALLY didn't want to have another staring contest with her. She turned and walked up to me and asked if she could ask me a question. I said yes and then she realized that I was the person she'd already talked to and told me to have a good night and left.
Ten minutes later, a silver Suburban pulls up in front of the hotel and she gets out of the passenger side. She walks up to the desk and hands me a sheet of paper, folded in thirds, covered on front and back with handwriting. She asked me to give it to the GM and then left again.
Being very curious about all of this "Microwave Technology", I decided to Google it and see what happened. That's how I found this blog. I am amazed at how far she's travelled and it seems that she's done it COMPLETELY on the mercy of others. I would be really interested in hearing her real story.
Following is the manifesto that she left with us, verbatim:
(On front)
I want the town of Billings Montana To:
1. Shut the town down, your Microwave Technology.
2. Kill the ghetto off of my travel. The ghetto connection to the police dept.
3. And keep the 15 year microwave abuse oppression offense funds: $900 Million, $800 Trillion and all of the money made on my Microwave Technology 667.
Black church line abuse on both ears. They say that they have always written for me. Hazel Wyman's Raft 207. They say that they are my spiritual directions. My brain, my thoughts, my soul. They write as I write and they travel with a photocopier to control my writing and lobby handouts switching letters. They are readin back to me my old letters. The Black women gave there black men my wash. They look white now.
Activist, lobbyist, Marilyn Gibbs. A One Woman Fight. I am not a married woman. I don't know these Black and White men in the night. Give this letter to someone who will know the process of race separation. White sisterhood for protection to stop the Black Race abuse, Black racism. Black Race owning me to Black Race abuse me for profit. Handing me over to every opposition to racketeer offenses. Black line abuse on every organ to kill me. A life expectancy is on each organ. They have taken every protection off of me that White America put on me. Protocol: even if they kill me the money have to be put back. Don't take Carl Wyman's night private deals. He is from Miami, Florida. A gutter ghetto street Minister Pimp In the Night through the police dept and Salvation Army.
(On back)
White Sisterhood For Protection. My Raft 2257 and Microwave Technology 667.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008. 11:45AM. Billings, Montana. Taxi cab to the bus station via the library to get directions on my travel to Washington, D.C. Give this letter to someone who know the process of race separation. The racketeering rape offense are not worth a dime. Oral sex offense.
Your police dept. is helping Carl Wyman, John Rodwin Ringwald, Howard Warner and Mrs. Kunston Sawyer Rodvain Ringwald To Stalk Me to mental ward me, lock me down to racketeer microwave abuse rape offenses and killings and robberies on wealthy whites. I was leaving the YWCA domestic violence shelter, Billings. I knew the police would be at the bus station but not the library. The ghetto connection to the police dept: Hazel Wyman, Rita Wyman and there Elks organization White Men in the Night. (Pimps, Ministers and Klansmen) IDENTITY THEFT AND FINANCIAL THEFT: $900 million dollors, $800 trillion dollars and all of the money made on my Microwave Technology 667. The 15 year Microwave Abuse Oppression Offense Funds. Domestic Violence organization and the police dept. are brother sister organization to protect women. They are not protecting me.
(In a box off to the side)
A margin offense.
A Howard Warner offense.
We've all spent the evening talking about our Marilyn encounter and now that we've read more information about her, we're all kind of sad that we didn't take the time to talk to her. It really does seem like something horrible happened to her at some point...
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
3:13 PM
Bozeman, MT
She came into the MSU Library at 6:30-7:00 and tried to hand out her letters to students. She seemed very normal. And she was then asked to leave.
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
3:07 PM
Bozeman, MT
Marilyn came into the Bozeman, Mt Holiday Inn and asked for 42 copies of her 3 page letter. It had the whole microwave gibberish and stuff on it. She seemed pretty normal, and was dressed well. I wouldn't have thought anything of it except for the strange letter which led me to google her name. And boy was I surprised. Shes famous apparently and sure knows how to get around the States!
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
2:01 PM
Bozeman, MT
So i am in bozeman and i work as a night auditor Marilyn came to my hotel last night looking for a place to stay. I am not allowed to comp rooms but she seemed like a nice enough woman so I let her stay at my house. She wanted me to help her get her money to cuba and gave me several copies of her manifesto. I am wonderring if she has a family somewhere that need her or are worried she seems to just have had the sense ground out of her by life and she seems so sweet. I hope in her future travels she is alright. Please if you encounter Marilyn just be nice to her.
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
2:00 PM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Billings, MT
Marilyn Gibbs came into the offices of the Billings Gazette in Billings, Montana at about 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 11.
She was nicely dressed in a beige checked blouse and matching jacket. She gave me 10 copies of a newsletter and requested I pass them out to people who work at the Billings Gazette. She said there was a conspiracy to take her money away from her and she's against microchips. She did not say if she'd been the victim of a microchip assault. She was clean, looked nice and wasn't overbearing. She left quickly. She told me she was from Florida.
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
5:30 PM
Billings, MT
Marilyn came into the library at Rocky Mountain College with her literature on Tuesday November 11. She was fairly reasonable…odd…but not really anything too bad. She did need quite a lot of assistance looking up things online, using the photocopier, borrowing staples, whiteout, and a red pen. She was working on her literature, which she did hand out to some students and library staff. She asked for donations to pay for additional copies, which we declined, as we don’t even really give free copies to students. She did say one “off” thing to one of the students that made the student pretty uncomfortable, but Marilyn left shortly thereafter so it wasn’t much of an issue. She was pretty well dressed and smelled very strongly of perfume and took her wig off and on several times during her visit. She was just more odd, than anything else. I personally didn’t really have a problem with her.
It had been a while since we had gotten any “characters” in the library though, so I suppose it was time.
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
3:12 PM
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Great Falls, MT
I live in Great Falls, MT, and work at a country club here in town. On the 4th or 5th, a balck woman in her 50's came in w/a suitcase, drank 3 glasses of water, ate a box of crackers, and had a airline ticket in a plastic bag safety pinned to her back. I assumed she was waiting to have lunch w/ a member. Boy was I wrong! She asked the secretary to photocopy a 37 page manifesto that she then tried to hand out to the members. Obviously, being a private club, this was not acceptable. The police were called, but they said there was nothing they could do. Sh left, only to come back 20 min. later in a brown car, and continue to try to hand out her manifesto. Police were called again, and that was the last I heard. Then the secretary googled her name, and all this info popped up! She is truly a tortured soul in need of help, and I help she gets it sooner, rather than later.
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
10:22 PM
Friday, November 7, 2008
Great Falls, MT
Hi I live in Great Falls MT going to the University of Great Falls... I saw this woman on the side of the road, waving people down and going up to cars and handing out these letters... When she gave me mine she told me "3 black cops" I saw how long the letter was and decided to continue driving to school since i was only 5 minutes away then I read it once I got to class.. It was very hard to read and follow since none of it really made sense... so I googled one of the names mentioned in the letter many times "Carl Wyman" and suprisingly a bunch of stuff appearred! It's amazing to me all the stuff I found on this woman and how "famous" she is almost lmao... But I was just reporting a sighting so people can track her =)
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
8:28 PM
Great Falls, MT
Hi I live in Great Falls Montana and I have had a recent run in with this woman earlier today... i was confused by the letter she gave me and googled on of the names in the letter and found a whole bunch of stuff on this woman. I thought I would like to let you know since you seem very interested in her whereabouts lol ttyl
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
6:04 PM
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Great Falls, MT
Well, this seemingly crazy lady showed up at our store (Big Bear ) in Great Falls Montana on Nov. 6th 2008 at approximentaly 2:00 PM. Of course we received a copy of her bizarre manifesto. She claimed to be heading to Washington to protest the President before he leaves office. She is clearly not sane. Her writings are of a jumbled nature at best. I do find it interesting that I was able to so quickly find info on her on the web. Hopefully she will find what she is searching for. Also, she seems to hate microwaves. (ovens? transmissions?) After asking for a staple gun and tape, which we declined to give her, she gave us her 3 page manifesto, which she had several of pinned all over clothing, and left. I will probably watch, out of curiosity, her movements on this site now. Very weird indeed.
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
6:17 PM
Monday, November 3, 2008
Havre, MT
I encountered Marilyn as a result of one of my professors reporting to me about a bald black man in a dress sitting across from my friend Lydia in the Library on our campus MSU-Northern in Havre Mt.
Intrigued, I went to investigate, as I was walking in the door I saw a black woman scratching her head (wig moving all around) talking to Lydia. Then Lydia pointed pointed to me. Hmmm this was sure to be interesting. Anyhow I work in the campus copy center so this was right up her ally with the letter copying and all. White out and last minute corrections, I made her copies for her and she ate several of our cookies, and stuffed half our kleenex box in her pocket. She was pushy but polite, and having been "blessed" with several pages of her ramblings myself, am convinced she endured a horrible life altering experience that has left her mentally scarred. Who knows, but I am glad to have encountered her, and glad to have been able to help her. I will be interested to follow her story.
Posted by
A One Woman Fight
7:46 PM